Shop renovations...
....Are complete!
We have been flat out like a lizard drinking over the last few months renovating the Black Parrot art and framing shop (it feels like much longer). The aim of the game was to make the space more inviting (moving the art materials so they weren’t right in front of the front door was top of the priority list). We also wanted to feature the gallery more prominently, and "clean up" the frame assembly workspaces, and install a flash customer service area. The result was ripping up carpets, paintings walls, floors and ceilings, building two new rooms - one to expand the old gallery space to convert it into an art materials "cave" (like a lolly shop for adults!) and the other room for storage of customer works and matt boards and foam-core. A new customer service table was constructed, a new "office" carved out (where Atlas could happily flop down and sleep undisturbed), a victorian cedar shop counter purchased, and enormous amounts of cleaning-up , throwing-out and "rationalising" were undertaken!
The results can be seen in the before and after pics below. All in all, we are pretty damn pleased! We still need to purchase a plant and coffee/side table for the gallery, set up the printing press, and purchase an antique bird cage for Monsieur Black Parrot (currently perched on the counter, unrestrained!) - but the hard yards are done! A big shout out and thumbs up to Anthony's parents - they were absolutely the engine, coal and coal-shovelers driving the whole process. Without them, Anthony, Atlas and I would still be sitting on our dusty, salmon pink carpets, bemoaning the enormity of the task before us and wondering where to start (before chuffing off to Stoners for coffee and cake and a puppaccino!)
Now - to we start planning some exhibitions in our lovely new gallery!
The overall effect...