We believe art makes a great and lasting gift. All our unframed prints come in an attractive cardboard tube which we can gift-wrap on request and send directly to your recipient. Postage of unframed work is free and quick.

If you are buying one of our prints as a gift please send us an email at and we will be happy to include a personal message.


We know how hard it is to choose art for someone else, so if you like we can also include a letter to indicate that the recipient may exchange their gift for another Black Parrot artwork.

Naturally, for any gift exchange we would expect the print to be returned in its original condition.

If the value of the alternative print is less than your original choice we will gladly refund the difference to you, and if it is greater you or the recipient can pay the difference.


If choosing a specific print or artwork is too darned hard, that's okay too! We can send a personalised gift certificate on your behalf, directly to your recipient. Just send us an email at or give us a call on 0425 363 471 and we will organise a certificate to the value you choose.